Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday Tuesday!

It totally feels like fall this week and that ain't cool.  What the EFF?!  And if it's feeling like fall, we know what else quickly follows up here in these neck of the woods........dun dun dun WINTER.  Ugh I don't even want to utter those words so let's not and say we did.

I did a double today at the gym.  I did a BodyShred class and then a 15 minute break followed up by an hour of BodyPump.  Holy sweat balls!  But I feel fantastic this afternoon.  Love the adrenalin buzz!  Yesterday we had a meeting at work from 10 am to 1:30 so that meant I wasn't going to the gym for my usual, which made me a bit grouchy and peeved at my boss.  So today I said fuck it and went to the gym for a long sesh because, after all, she wasn't going to notice, she was in an all day meeting.  WOOP WOOP!

This past weekend was good.  On Saturday we went with my mom out to Brooklin to get her some raw dog food and see Lori's Leonbergers.  Afterwards, we went back home and sat around for a bit before heading back over to my mom's for her annual BBQ.  The weather turned out good, a bit overcast but it didn't rain and thunderstorm like the weatherman predicted.  Left her house later that night feeling very full.  I did two house calls to the house with the Dane that I fell in love with.  This time I was visiting him, he had 26 staples in his leg from having his ACL repaired 5 days before.  Guiness, one of the two Golden Retrievers, was a huge ham, as was Rosie but everyone was great. 

Sunday was a day of rest and much appreciated :)

 Cute little country store we came upon on Saturday that I've been wanting to go in forever


 So happy Harp and Guinness are :)
And Rosie barking at Diesel, confined in his area because of his knee, and all she wanted to do was play.


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